Monday, February 23, 2015

2 Cor.13:14

I was reading an article about when Jesus walked the earth and how He had such a bonding with the Holy Spirit. Communion in the Greek means: partnership, fellowship, a sharing together. Jesus and the Holy Spirit were always working together. Read some of these scriptures.
1. Luke 1:35--conceived by the Holy Spirit.
2. Matt. 3:16--empowered by the Holy Spirit.
3. Matt. 4:1--led by the Holy Spirit.
4. Acts 10:38--healed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
5. Matt.12:28--cast out demons by the power of the Holy Spirit.
6. Rom.8:11--resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit.
7. Eph. 1:19-20--seated at the right hand of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
8. John 5:30--His total dependence on the Holy Spirit.
I see a pattern here. Jesus had such a HUGE fellowship or communion with the Holy Spirit!! The more time we spend with the Holy Spirit, the more sensitive we become in Him. The more we rely on His guidance and strength, the more we want to spend time with Him. 
Kathy and I are taking this time in the Lent season to press into a stronger commitment in making sure we are devoting ourselves everyday to the reading of the Word, prayer, meditation of His Word, worship, and being more open to the Holy Spirit. It is hard at times to make the time but we know that the investment will be great!!
The Lent season is a perfect opportunity to share our testimonies as we get closer to Easter. 
I will leave you with a quote from someone: "Communion with the Holy Spirit is the launching pad for a life of supernatural power and consistency."
I know I need that everyday in my life!!

God Bless!!


Saturday, February 14, 2015


        When someone mentions to me about being able to hear from God, I always think of the scripture about Moses with the Ten Commandments and how the people of Israel were fearful of talking with God so they wanted Moses to be their mediator with Him. 
         They had just inexperienced some of God's power (as if they already hadn't!!) and they now were standing in fear of what the Lord might do to them! Well, they must have realize that they were wrong to start messing around when Moses had gone up Mount Sinai.
Fear is an emotion that can be either healthy or unhealthy. When we fear something that could lead up to danger, than it is a helpful guide. But when fear is constant or overwhelming it can be unhealthy. 
         The fear of God can be defined as "thoughtful reverence for God". The fear of God should result in an increase of faith and motivate us to act accordingly to God's plan in our lives. 
Fear can keep us from hearing from God and obeying Him. Sometimes, we are afraid of what He might have to say to us so that will keep us from coming to Him in our quiet times. 
What happens when one of God's servants come to us with a word from Him? How do we respond? Sometimes, it is easier to brush off what they had said with the remark of; "Well, I don't know if God is really speaking to them" or " I sure that God would tell me first". Kind a hard for God to tell you if you aren't giving Him the time to speak to you. (Of course I am saying this out of my own experience!)
         God so much wants to speak to each of us! And through so many ways! But we tend to put up "walls" and "excuses" that really shows how much we don't want to hear from Him! Our actions will speak louder than words is what sometimes shows for both ways. 
I am so happy that God sent the Holy Spirit to us to reveal Himself through His creation, His Word, music, etc. Sometimes, it is not what we want to hear but if we put our trust in Him, it will work out. 
         Hearing from God!! Yup!!! I need to do more of it!!!

God Bless!!!


Thursday, February 5, 2015


         This morning I woke up with an old song going through my head. Do you remember "How Great Is Our God" ?  I thought with all the stuff going on all over the world, this must be what I should start my day with! So, I started to listen to it and I had to grab my guitar and play along. I started to read the words more closely and within the very beginning of the song, is the first line:" The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty". I could see a picture of our God standing there in a magnificent robe that has all the colors you can imagine with jewels that are shining forth with all the brilliance of His Glory!!
         One of the references of the song is Ps.93:1;The Lord reigns! He is robed in majesty, the Lord is robed, he wears strengtharound his waist. 2  Indeedthe world is establishedit cannot be moved.
Majesty, in the Hebrew means: glory, power, honored.  In the Greek: greatness, magnificence. 
Think about some of the movies we have seen that shows a king with a great looking robe. Well, our God has a robe that is so great looking that it shines with His greatness, His power, and His authority!!! 
         We need to praise Him with all of our hearts everyday! I can get so caught up in all the evil that is surrounding us that I forget who is still on the throne. 
          Listen to that song and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into a place of praise and worship to Him!

God Bless!
