Sunday, December 6, 2015


AMOS 7:7-8

      I started to study the book of Amos the other month. I felt the need to look at some of the books of the Bible that I knew that were there but I never really got into them before. A friend of mine, Dr.Russ Frase, was in the area to train a group of us for teaching his two year Bible curriculum and on Sunday he spoke out of the book of Amos. I thought that might be a good one to start with!! (no big spiritual revelation there!!)
      So I started to get a back ground of the author, place, culture, etc so that I could understand more about it. It is a fascinating book!! 
      But one thing stood out. It was in chapter 7. God had shown Amos a plum line. OK. I know what one is and I have used one a few times but I thought this is going to be good!
      A plum line is what is used to determine if something is straight vertically. Contractors use it a lot and we "weekend warriors" try to look like we know what we are doing when we use it!.
      God was showing me that for us to stay true to Him, we have to have that "vertical alignment" with Him. That connection with Him. One of the tools He has given us is His Word!! I go again talking about the Bible and how we should read it but it is true! His Word has everything in it for us to lead a life set apart for Him. How many times do we pick it up in a day? Or a week? Hopefully not just on Sunday but do we really sit down and read and meditate on it? And we do need the Holy Spirit to guide us through it because that is how we can hear the instruction He has for us. It is a blue print to how we should live. 
       We sometimes vary off our pathway in life and we need something to keep us vertically aligned with the Creator of all things. 
        We get busy doing the "Christian things" that take up a lot of time and I am not saying that is bad but we can't let that or any other stuff take our time away with Him.
        So, this holiday season, try to take time everyday to get your Bible out and sit down and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you through the Word of God. It sure is a lot easier trying to get through the day with Him than without Him!!

God Bless!! 


Monday, July 27, 2015


    I have to admit, that's a pretty good title!!! I have been studying two topics that seem to have a lot in common. Purity and compromise. Those are two that would take a lot of time and we still wouldn't be able to go through a tenth of it!!!
    So, let's look at this title. When did Jesus get up from the throne? I didn't even think about this until I started to read a study on Revelations and the Greek language.
    In Acts 7:54-56, the high priests and some of the other big shots had Stephen before them with charges (which were drummed up against him). Now, you have to read what Stephen said and how he addressed them! He had walked with great power by the Holy Spirit before and he was well schooled in addressing his belief in Jesus. They were intently listening to Stephen and he presented his case but he pretty much told them that they were hypocrites and that didn't set well with them. They dragged him out and began to stone him. This is where I started to see something that I had missed before. In verse 55, "...Stephen, filled by the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven. He saw God's glory, and he said, (56)"Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man STANDING at the right hand of God!".
    In Daniel, he sees Jesus seated at the Right Hand of the Father. (7:9). In the New Testament, Jesus was seated in : Eph. 1:20-23; Col. 3:1; Heb. 1:3; 10:12; 12:2. 
Seated means in many cultures : rest and completion. Jesus' work of redemption is finished and He now rests after accomplishing His Divine assignment. 
    But here we read how Stephen sees Jesus standing up at the right hand of God!! What made Him stand up?? Now, you might be saying, "what does it matter". Well, I believe that Jesus stood up to take notice and honor the first martyr that died in His Name!! It is almost like when a General stands in honor for a soldier. Why else would He be standing when most of the scriptures say that He was sitting?
    In the first three chapters of Revelation, Jesus is seen standing among the Lamp Stands. Something He saw and felt moved Him to stand up and move among the seven churches.
So think about this, Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father but He gets up when Stephen is being stoned and when John is having his vision. 
    So where am I going with this? Jesus was moved to stand when Stephen was being killed. He stands up when He sees His churches going off in different directions.  He is concerned about what goes on in our lives every single minute of the day. We have access to the unlimited power of the Holy Spirit at anytime. We have to be bold in our faith during these days and we can't allow the world to influence us to compromise the Gospel in any way!
    I need to ask for the discernment from the Holy Spirit to help me through each day so I don't fall prey to my own selfish desires. 
    That's why the Word is the Word of God and we need to know it and live it!!

God Bless!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


ACTS 2:42-47

         We just got done with Pentecost Sunday! Now we enter into the time referred to "Ordinary Time" or "Everyday Time". All of the big holidays and celebrations are done with and now is the time for us to absorb and assimilate the life of Jesus into our own lives. This time is where the early church began to grow and take shape. In the above scriptures, we read how the apostles and other followers of Christ were meeting together, praying together, and having meals together. Many were new believers who had witnessed the infilling power of the Holy Spirit in the apostles and the signs and wonders that were happening at that time. I would think that one of the disciples stood up and said, "hey, we need to start teaching these new believers so they can experience all that God has for them!" Or maybe something like that. What a problem to have! So many new believers! And they were hungry for the teachings the disciples had! They devoted themselves to the teachings, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. Lets look at a few things here.
          The word "devoted". In Greek, it means to be strong towards something, full attention, commitment, steadfastness. To give all or a large part of one's time or resources to a person, activity, or cause. 
Wow!! They were totally sold out on what the disciples had to say and do! They must have been like sponges and soak up all they said! They must have had time spent during the week to listen to the teachings as well as getting together for a formal meeting time. 
I think about how much time I spend on fellowship with my other believers. Now you might say that these were new believers and myself I have a few years on them but many times, I feel like I need to be like a new believer. To have that spark, to be excited about listening to someone else's experience when they witnessed or prayed for someone.
            Many times, we "modern day Christians" get to "sophisticated" that we are dull to these situations that are occurring all around us. We lost our excitement and drive due to the daily lifestyle we lead. 
             Let's look at another word. Fellowship in the Greek means, participation, communion, sharing, close association involving mutual relationship. They wanted to be a part of the disciples everyday lives. To learn as much as they could by the lifestyle they were leading. Think about the people in your own life that are reflecting the love of Christ to others. 
             Next word. Breaking of bread. OK, more than one word! This meant that not only were they having meals together but you could say that they were having communion also at times. I love the conversations you can have with others over a meal. You can really get to know them well! 
And now, one of my favorites....Prayer!! They were coming together as one unit or assembly to pray. Prayer is not an exercise, it is a lifestyle of a believer! It is an expression of dependence on God to move through the prayer. They were humble enough to know that they can't do things on their own and they needed the Holy Spirits help. 
              I see that I need to be like a "New Believer" everyday! To be totally sold out to the Lord! Saying is not good has to be followed up by action! To pick up the Bible everyday, to pray and worship, to speak to other believers, to encourage, to proclaim to people around us how God has blessed us. To look forward to Sunday mornings! The worship and praise together! The ministering of the Word, the fellowship, etc. We all need it!! 
              The early church was all about the basics; the Word, praise and worship, praying for one another, fellowship and breaking of bread together, encouraging one another, sharing the Gospel to the lost, being the shining light in the darkness! 
Man complicates.........God simplifies!!!!

God Bless!!!


Thursday, May 14, 2015



HAPPY ASCENSION DAY!!!  What??? You mean today is something special??  Yup!!! We have forgotten how much was dependant upon Jesus returning to the Father. Back in November I wrote about the importance of Jesus returning to the Father so that the Holy Spirit could come upon us. Well, today is the day that Jesus ascended into Heaven! How important is that??!! 
Here are a few meaningful points of this day!

1.  It signaled the end of Jesus' earthly ministry. The period of human limitations was at an end.
2.  It signaled success in His earthly work.
3.  It marked His return to His heavenly glory.
4.  It symbolized His exaltation by the Father.
5.  It allowed Him to prepare a place for us.
6.  It indicated the beginning of His new work as High Priest and Mediator of the New Covenant.
7.  It set the pattern for His return. He will return just as He left, bodily and visible in the clouds.
8.  The power of the Holy Spirit was going to be set forth to the believers. 

Now this is a good list to start with!!! To many times in the past, our joy sometimes ends on Easter night. We forget what happened after He rose from the grave. For forty days, He appeared to many people with many signs and wonders! And then He went to the Father so that we could be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do His Will!!! Now that is pretty awesome!!
The apostles wanted to know about when He was returning to establish His Kingdom and He told them that it was not for them to know. They had work to do! So do we!! To tell everyone about Him!!

So this is worth celebrating isn't it!!??

God Bless!


Saturday, March 14, 2015

OUTER vs INNER---Who's going to win??

2 COR. 4:16

         OK, this is not about physical exercises but about what we do with our spiritual inner person. In 2 Cor. 4 talks about the outward deterioration and inward renewal. As our bodies get older, they start to get warn out by the everyday going on in life. I feel like I want to go do something like running or playing some basketball but due to the physical limitations that my body now has, it wouldn't be wise to do so!! It's not like I let my body go downhill, it is that over the years, it has shown some wear and tear. 
         In verse 16, Paul is saying how his sufferings, while not fatal, were destroying his body. Some of which were caused by the beatings, being shipwrecked, etc but also because as our bodies get older, they start to decay, loose muscle tone, etc. We get arthritis, broken bones, sprains, torn tissue, and a lot of other things that occurs from living in this world. Our lifestyle has a lot to do with it but also, things can  just happen that we can't control. 
         But the one thing we can control is how we "exercise" the inner person. Our spiritual, inner most being inside of us. Even with all that Paul had been through and how he was feeling, he would not let it discourage him. His outer body was getting old and weak but his inner man was being strengthened everyday by walking in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. 
         We can exercise, watch what we eat, take all those "stay young" supplements, and participate in the
"diet of the week" plan but our bodies are still temporary!! We need to take care of them but we need to keep our focus on Jesus!! To exercise our "inner core" by reading and meditating on His Word, praying, worship, etc. To grow daily in Him and not let how we feel determine if we spend time with Him. 
         Everyone will have bad days but we need to stay strong and keep pressing on into Him. 
I need to keep my Spiritual Inner Core strong everyday! Then, when that day comes, we will blessed above all that we can imagine!!

Be blessed and go "exercise"!!


Monday, February 23, 2015

2 Cor.13:14

I was reading an article about when Jesus walked the earth and how He had such a bonding with the Holy Spirit. Communion in the Greek means: partnership, fellowship, a sharing together. Jesus and the Holy Spirit were always working together. Read some of these scriptures.
1. Luke 1:35--conceived by the Holy Spirit.
2. Matt. 3:16--empowered by the Holy Spirit.
3. Matt. 4:1--led by the Holy Spirit.
4. Acts 10:38--healed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
5. Matt.12:28--cast out demons by the power of the Holy Spirit.
6. Rom.8:11--resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit.
7. Eph. 1:19-20--seated at the right hand of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
8. John 5:30--His total dependence on the Holy Spirit.
I see a pattern here. Jesus had such a HUGE fellowship or communion with the Holy Spirit!! The more time we spend with the Holy Spirit, the more sensitive we become in Him. The more we rely on His guidance and strength, the more we want to spend time with Him. 
Kathy and I are taking this time in the Lent season to press into a stronger commitment in making sure we are devoting ourselves everyday to the reading of the Word, prayer, meditation of His Word, worship, and being more open to the Holy Spirit. It is hard at times to make the time but we know that the investment will be great!!
The Lent season is a perfect opportunity to share our testimonies as we get closer to Easter. 
I will leave you with a quote from someone: "Communion with the Holy Spirit is the launching pad for a life of supernatural power and consistency."
I know I need that everyday in my life!!

God Bless!!


Saturday, February 14, 2015


        When someone mentions to me about being able to hear from God, I always think of the scripture about Moses with the Ten Commandments and how the people of Israel were fearful of talking with God so they wanted Moses to be their mediator with Him. 
         They had just inexperienced some of God's power (as if they already hadn't!!) and they now were standing in fear of what the Lord might do to them! Well, they must have realize that they were wrong to start messing around when Moses had gone up Mount Sinai.
Fear is an emotion that can be either healthy or unhealthy. When we fear something that could lead up to danger, than it is a helpful guide. But when fear is constant or overwhelming it can be unhealthy. 
         The fear of God can be defined as "thoughtful reverence for God". The fear of God should result in an increase of faith and motivate us to act accordingly to God's plan in our lives. 
Fear can keep us from hearing from God and obeying Him. Sometimes, we are afraid of what He might have to say to us so that will keep us from coming to Him in our quiet times. 
What happens when one of God's servants come to us with a word from Him? How do we respond? Sometimes, it is easier to brush off what they had said with the remark of; "Well, I don't know if God is really speaking to them" or " I sure that God would tell me first". Kind a hard for God to tell you if you aren't giving Him the time to speak to you. (Of course I am saying this out of my own experience!)
         God so much wants to speak to each of us! And through so many ways! But we tend to put up "walls" and "excuses" that really shows how much we don't want to hear from Him! Our actions will speak louder than words is what sometimes shows for both ways. 
I am so happy that God sent the Holy Spirit to us to reveal Himself through His creation, His Word, music, etc. Sometimes, it is not what we want to hear but if we put our trust in Him, it will work out. 
         Hearing from God!! Yup!!! I need to do more of it!!!

God Bless!!!


Thursday, February 5, 2015


         This morning I woke up with an old song going through my head. Do you remember "How Great Is Our God" ?  I thought with all the stuff going on all over the world, this must be what I should start my day with! So, I started to listen to it and I had to grab my guitar and play along. I started to read the words more closely and within the very beginning of the song, is the first line:" The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty". I could see a picture of our God standing there in a magnificent robe that has all the colors you can imagine with jewels that are shining forth with all the brilliance of His Glory!!
         One of the references of the song is Ps.93:1;The Lord reigns! He is robed in majesty, the Lord is robed, he wears strengtharound his waist. 2  Indeedthe world is establishedit cannot be moved.
Majesty, in the Hebrew means: glory, power, honored.  In the Greek: greatness, magnificence. 
Think about some of the movies we have seen that shows a king with a great looking robe. Well, our God has a robe that is so great looking that it shines with His greatness, His power, and His authority!!! 
         We need to praise Him with all of our hearts everyday! I can get so caught up in all the evil that is surrounding us that I forget who is still on the throne. 
          Listen to that song and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into a place of praise and worship to Him!

God Bless!
